
Our Mission

To transform lives through the healing power of art.

We know everyone has a STORY, and we recognize the healing power of stories and personal narratives through art: Theatre, Drama, Process, and Storytelling. Playback Nigeria creates a safe space where interactive art methods can be used for alternative therapy, to engage communities, develop social skills, build empathy, promote self-awareness and to change and honour personal narratives and group experience.

Our Aim

The primary aim of Playback Nigeria is to: 

  • Create an engaging platform for social dialogue, community support, transformation and healing among the communities we work in.

  • Help People discover and improve on their hidden potentials, capabilities and social skills through the use of applied drama and theatre methods.

  • Foster national unity, rebuilding communities, and healing individual trauma in post-conflict areas

  • Encourage and promote the culture of Listening

  • Encourage improvisation in education, business, community and social spaces

  • Stimulate meaningful engagements among stakeholders and communities.

  • Develop an art-based psychosocial support framework in engaging survivors of conflicts, abuse, accidents, terrorist attacks and abduction in Nigeria.

Our Objectives


Are Inclusive: 

  • By providing experiential awareness raising provisions which are not reliant upon written or spoken word, and can therefore be adapted to suit all ages, abilities and background.

  • By seeking outside funding to provide free/ affordable provisions to participants where at all possible.

  • By taking provision delivering to participants.

Are evidence based and add to the research field: 

  • By keeping up to date with current Arts, Health, Education and Applied Theatre research.

  • By conducting appropriate and ethical research during our work to promote the use of scientific procedures for the development of quality and ethically minded Applied Theatre Interventions.

Address an identified social problems, improve communities, and increase people’s life chances:

  • By actively seeking out individuals and groups who are experiencing individual and social difficulties, especially marginalization.

  • By ensuring participant’s and their community’s specific needs, ideas and concerns are identified and addressed.

  • By keeping up to date with current National/Local government findings and initiatives.